Talk to men just like you
You are not alone! Whatever you're going through; come & talk with men just like you, without fear of judgment.
Overwhelmed? Stopped from seeing your kids? Scared of fatherhood? Let others that have been through it help....
Are you in debt? Lying about money or burying your head in the sand? You're not the first so talk to others
Someone on here might just need that glimmer of hope. Share your success story & set them on the road to theirs...
Are you struggling with your sexuality? Worried about coming out to friends or family? Ask our members for advice.
Alcohol, drugs, gambling, sex taking over your life? Don't let it win. Talk to men that know those demons
Are you being abused? Are you the abuser but can't seem to control it? You are NOT alone. let it out
Relationship no longer making you happy? Is your partner asking for change or is it your partner thats not happy?